Saturday, March 28, 2020

Reasons Why I Started This Blog

Everyone looks at the world through a different pair of eyes. We all have unique perspectives, interests, and passions. Meeting someone new means meeting a brand new set of opinions, some of which we might not share; what a great opportunity for conversation.

My biggest pet peeve is eating noises. Slurping, smacking, chewing- they drive me crazy. But I have a friend that watches mukbangs everyday.

I love orchestral music, but I have a friend that prefers jazz. 

I'm a Christian, but three of my closest friends are Muslim. 

These differences are not setbacks. They're actually the opposite. I love raving to my friends about my favourite symphonies and, even though I personally don't like jazz, I love seeing the energy my friend gets out of it. Her face lights up when she tells me about Billie Holiday or Louis Armstrong, and I would never put down her taste in music and risk extinguishing that spark. Instead, I embrace our different tastes, and use it as an opportunity to learn. 

That doesn't mean I have to like jazz. Maybe my friend will eventually convert me, but more likely our friendship will give me a better understanding of why I prefer my music. It doesn't matter.

What does matter is that we treat each other's opinions with respect. It could be a preferred genre of music, or it could be a religious view. Everyone has grown up in a different environment with different role models and different media, and that is amazing.

I'll be self-quarantining for the next few weeks because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and I thought I would redeem the time by making this blog to share some of my (mostly unpopular) opinions. Maybe in reading it you'll come to share some of my passions, or maybe it'll confirm some of your own.

Either way, that's why I started this blog.

I hope you enjoy.

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